This Carrot, Squash and Orange Soup is just a dream soup. The Carrots enhance the colour and sweetness of the soup. A best of for cosy week-ends with a nice glass of wine on top.

Vitaminized Carrot, Squash and Orange Soup

First, here is the list of the different Ingredients you will need to make the Carrot, Squash and Orange Soup that serves 4 

  • 500 g or ( 4 cups) pumpkin, peeled and weighed
  • 20 grams or ( 1 Tbsp) of Coral lentils
  • 50 ml or ( 1/4 cup) of fresh orange juice
  • 4 large carrots
  • Freshly ground pepper ( 3 turns)
  • 3 dashes of Fleur de sel (Sea Salt)

Here are now the few steps you will have to follow to make the Carrot, Squash and Orange Soup

Start by Filling a large pot of water and bring to a boil. Meanwhile, peel the carrots and cut them into dices. Then, put them in a pan. Meanwhile, cut the squash into big cubes. After that, when the carrots reach 10 minutes of cooking, add the diced squash and the lentils. Once the squash is cooked, stop the cooking on the stove.

Then, put the vegetables into a blender or a mixer and mix it all with more or less cooking water according to desired texture.

A the end, stir in the orange juice, give a few turns of ground pepper and add the sea salt. Serve hot with some grilled sourdough Bread if you like and a nice glass of wine !

Now if you enjoy very much soups don’t hesitate to try the Butternut Squash Soup that is also a delight.  Butternut Squash Soup

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