Houmous equals Chickpeas – the star ingredient in houmous – High in protein and fibre and more than ten micronutrients, including a hefty amount of the mineral copper. This is a great, nutritious snack. Serve it with crunchy veg for dipping, breadsticks , lovely warm flatbreads or even with marinated meat !


First, here is the list of the different ingredients you will need to prepare the Houmous that serves 4 to 6

  • 400g tin chickpeas
  • 1 garlic clove
  • 1½ tbsp tahini paste (available in most supermarkets)
  • Juice of ½ lemon
  • 1 tbsp hot water, optional
  • Sweet paprika to dust
  • 150ml olive oil, plus extra for drizzling on top

Now here are the few steps you will need to follow to make this very nice Houmous with a preparation of 10 minutes

  1. Pulse a drained tin of chickpeas in a food processor, together with the garlic clove, tahini paste and lemon juice.
  2. With the processor running, stream in the olive oil and hot water until you have a smooth paste. Season to taste with salt, pepper and more lemon juice, then spoon into a serving bowl.
  3. Sprinkle with a pinch of sweet smoked paprika and drizzle with extra olive oil. Serve with toasted pitta breads.

Don’t hesitate to serve this delicious Houmous also with Marinated Chicken with Lemon.

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