These Feuilletés William Tell Twists are fine and delicate but particularly easy to make. Since puff pastry is considered to be the most delicate of all pastries, it is perfectly suited for these aperitif Twists. enjoy anytime. 

Baked Puff Pastry William Tell Twists

Now here are the different ingredients you will need to make these Feuilletés William Tell Twists with a preparation time of 15 minutes and a cooking time of 10 minutes

  • 1 sheet of  puff pastry.
  • Shredded cheese like Emmenthal
  • 1 egg, beaten
  • Salt, pepper.
  • 2 pinch of nutmeg or herbes de Provence


Here you will find the few steps you will have to follow to make the Baked Puff Pastry William Tell Twists

Lower the puff pastry in a rectangle. Beat the egg yolk with salt and pepper and distemper it on the dough. Then sprinkle the shredded cheese with the nutmeg.

Roll the dough from both sides to the center, lengthwise. Flatten a little bit the roll and cut in pieces of 1/2 an inch thick.

Dispose these pieces on a baking sheet, spread some more cheese on it and put in a medium hot oven for around 15 mn. Serve low warm.

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