Happy Feast of the Epiphany and above all, beautiful and wonderful year 2012 ! Traditionally the Epiphany feast is the opportunity to "draw the kings". In France since the fourteenth century, we eat the king cake on the day of this celebration. Tradition dictates that we split the cake into as many parts as guests, plus one. The latter, called "part of God" or "part of the Virgin" or "part of the poor," is for the first poor person who would present himself. A bean is hidden in the cake and the person who gets the bean becomes "king" for a day
Today, the traditional bean is replaced by a trinket, a small figurine hidden in the cake. In Belgium and the Netherlands, there is also a cake with almond paste. The tradition to pull the Kings exists in the southern of the United States, where they have also a "King Cake".
By its round shape and golden color, the cake symbolizes the sun, but this holiday celebrates especially the visit and adoration of the Child Jesus by the "wise men". Therefore, all these reasons gives me the opportunity to give you the recipe of this Epiphany cake to celebrate the Epiphany tomorrow or on Sunday.