Pour être sûr de la qualité de votre chocolat, vérifiez donc sur vos tablettes, la liste des composants, car pour réussir un bon dessert cacaoté, comme ces délicieuses truffes aux deux chocolats, les Biscuits Noisette fourrés chocolat ou encore ces succulents petits Brownies, c'est la qualité du chocolat qui compte.
Alors à très bientôt sur La Classe de Cuisine.com !
Powdered, drinkable, spreadable, chewable... Whatever its form, divine chocolate, gourmet gift by excellence, makes us all or almost melt. It is therefore almost normal to find it in so many forms and dishes. Which other product straight out the closet knows at this point how to shine at its mere evocation, and surprises us with its strength while soothing through hard times? Energising and uplifting, chocolate has everything to please us. However, it is important that it has a good composition. Originally a chocolate product must contain at least 35% cocoa mass and 19% cocoa butter. Since the year 2000 the European Community authorised the use of another fat different from cocoa butter. This saddens all chocolatiers...To ensure the quality of your chocolate, check on your wrapping for the list of components needed to succeed a good cocoa dessert, like these delicious Chocolate truffles, the Hazelnut biscuits with Chocolate Ganache or these succulent small Brownies. It is the quality of the chocolate that counts.
Therefore, See you soon at La Classe de Cuisine.com !
Chocolat, Chocolate