Here you have a dessert that most of the people love: A Chocolate and Pear Charlotte. Chocolate is the royal part of any dessert, especially when it comes to a Charlotte. 

First, here is the list of the different Ingredients you will need to prepare the Chocolate and Pear Charlotte that serves 6 to 8 People

  • 24 ladyfingers
  • 250 g (8 ounces) very fine dark chocolate
  • 100 g (3 1/3 ounces) butter
  • 3 free range eggs
  • 100 ml (3 1/2 oz) cold pear juice.
  • 2 fresh pears, peeled and thinly sliced


Now, here are the different stages you will. have to follow to make the Charlotte with a 30 minutes preparation time and an at least 6 hours refrigeration time but better overnight

Lightly butter a charlotte tin and have a circle of parchment paper put on the bottom and around your tin. Pour the pear juice, into a shallow dish. Dip without too moisten the ladyfingers one after another and completely line the bottom and sides of your tin, arranging them side curved outwards.

Arrange your pear slices in a small pan and let cook for around 10 minutes in a light syrup. Remove from heat and let cool. Separate the egg white from the yolks. Pour the chocolate broken into small pieces in a bowl placed in a water bath on medium heat. Let it melt completely before smoothing with a wooden spatula.

Maintaining the water bath, add gradually the butter in pieces and stir, then one after another add the egg yolks. Whisk this preparation for a few seconds or until smooth and glossy, then remove pan from heat and let cool.

Mount the egg whites until stiff, adding at the end the icing sugar to make them nicely stiff.

Gently fold the stiff egg whites into your chocolate batter until smooth. Then add your pear slices.

Fill the tin with this chocolate and pear mousse to the top. Put a layer of pear juice soaked biscuits on top. Cover and store your charlotte in the refrigerator, overnight.

To serve, invert the tin onto a serving plate and remove the parchment paper, then serve as is or with a light fruit sauce.

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